Recognizing the Park's importance to the community, Cochrane wanted to understand how the park is being used today and what the current environmental conditions are so that the park can be enjoyed for generations to come. Cochrane worked with external consultant EDS Group Inc. to conduct a geotechnical and environmental assessment to identify any environmentally sensitive areas, and understand current uses for the Park.
The study was initiated because of concerns surrounding the number of conflicts reported to Cochrane between different recreational uses in the Park, visible evidence of bank erosion on the slopes to the Bow River and a desire to understand the environmental sensitivity of the Park.
12 Cochrane staff representing 6 departments were engaged along with 20 community partners and local organizations, and more than 1,150 residents answered an online survey.
How does this project benefit the community?
Increased community connectivity and care for our open spaces and natural areas.
Strategic alignment
This project supports the 2022-2025 Strategic priority of protecting, nurturing and enjoying our natural landscape, creating a vibrant and active community with connected neighbourhoods and bringing people together physically and socially.