Annual assessment process

- the value of your property based on market value as of July 1
- the physical condition of your property as of December 31 of the previous year
Assessments are delivered in advance of your property tax bill. This allows you 60 days to review, make sure property details are correct, and let the assessment department know of any issues before property taxes are calculated.

- the assessed value change relative to the assessment base change
- changes in the amount of property taxes the municipality is required to collect
Residential Property Verification Form
Commercial/Industrial Property Income Request for Information
Mini-Storage Property Income Information
Multi-Residential Assessment Request for Information
Farmland Request for Information
Hotel/Motel Request for Information
Assessment Information Request Reference
Residential property inspections
Cochrane follows a five-year re-inspection cycle to ensure that we collect and maintain accurate property data, which assists in preparing accurate assessments.
Residential property verification forms are sent to property owners during the re-inspection period (July to September). Communities are selected for re-inspection based on the five-year rotating cycle.
If you receive a residential property verification form, review your property details and let the Assessment department know of any changes through the Residential Property Verification Form.
Frequently asked questions
An Assessment Notice that has “Improved” identifies that the land has a building and it is not vacant. Improved does not mean a change has occurred it only reflects that a structure of some type exists on the land.
Email or visit eServices and sign into your account to view and print off account details (assessment values, tax levy, tax payments, etc).
Email and contact the Calgary Land Titles Office at 403-297-6511 to update your Certificate of Title.
Email with your update.
An increase in your property assessment does not mean your property taxes will increase by the same amount. Your assessment indicates the estimated value of your property and is used to determine your share of the property taxes. Tax rates are set annually in May.
Assessment notices are mailed in advance of the property tax bill to allow property owners the opportunity to review the assessed value and ensure it is reasonable prior to the tax bill being sent out in May. Owners are encouraged to review their assessment and contact our office with inquiries within the 60-day customer review period.
The real estate market sets the value of your property. Assessors measure that market utilizing mass appraisal techniques, which determine property values by grouping similar properties as of a specific date. Market value assessments may vary depending on geographic location, building style and size of property. All assessments are prepared in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and the requirements of the Matters Relating to Assessment and Taxation Regulation.
Your assessment is based on its physical condition as of December 31 of the year previous to the current taxation year. Any significant changes to your home will likely increase its market value and therefore, increase your assessment.
We use a comparison of property characteristics to similar sale properties within your community. It is important to remember that the assessed value date is of July 1 of the previous year.
Yes, GST is a cost incurred by a purchaser as part of the value paid. This amount should be reported to the Land Titles office. GST is typically recovered in the resale of the home, so no adjustments are made to the market value.
Provincial legislation specifies that the funds for schools are to be collected by municipalities. The Education Portion collected by the Town on behalf of the provincial government is approximately 32% of your property tax bill. People who do not own property contribute indirectly through their rental or lease payments.
If you have any questions regarding school taxes, please contact Alberta Education directly.
Sign into your eServices account and you will be able to view historical assessment values under the assessment tab.
You may receive the assessment notice because at the time the assessment notices were printed the Town had not yet received the Certificate of Title with the new owner’s information. Our records are updated twice a month with ownership changes received from the Calgary Land Titles Office.
You may not have received the assessment notice if you recently purchased your property because at the time the assessment notices were printed the Town had not yet received the Certificate of Title with your new information. Our records are updated twice a month with ownership changes received from the Calgary Land Titles Office. You may view your assessment value at Property Search.
Although you and your neighbour's properties are in the same area, there are many factors considered in determining the assessment value. These values include location, living area, lot size, renovations, property age and more. Your property may have physical differences than your neighbor's property.